Miedzynarodowa Konferencja - EuCuComm 2024

____________Europejska Wspólnota Kultury_______________



The venue for the European Community of Culture conference in 2024 will be the city of Bautzen (Budziszyn), Upper Lusatian Budyšin, whose name was officially Budissin until 3 June 1868. It is a large district town in eastern Saxony, which is located on the river Spree and is the seat of the Bautzen district. With around 38,000 inhabitants, Bautzen is the historical capital of Upper Lusatia as well as the largest city in the district and the second largest in Upper Lusatia.

Within the Old Town is the Sorbian Museum (Serbski muzej), housed in the former salt house at Ortenburg Castle. Today’s museum building was built in 1782 as a salt warehouse and rebuilt to its present form in 1869. From 1835, the Royal Saxon Court of Appeal as the highest judicial authority in Upper Lusatia and the Royal District Office operated here. Due to the fact that the first Sorbian house was destroyed in 1945, the building was chosen in 1976 as a worthy architectural setting for the Sorbian Museum, although it actually had little historical connection with the Sorbs.

The museum’s exhibitions provide information on the origins, language, history, art and literature, lifestyle and customs of the Sorbian people. The conference will take place in its interior ballroom.

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