Miedzynarodowa Konferencja - EuCuComm 2025

____________Europejska Wspólnota Kultury_______________

About Conference

Religious and socio-political events were not only the background of trends in architecture and art, but often inspired them or influenced the direction in which they evolved.
Art, including architecture, understood as a means of transmitting ideas influencing the way they are understood, often inspired changes in the way they were received, becoming a mute world of all their complexity.
For a proper understanding of art, one must understand the historical context appropriate to the moment of its creation.
The uniqueness of architectural monuments consists in perpetuating in one work the ideas of people who have left their mark on them over the centuries.
The leading theme of the EuCuComm 2023 conference is “The use of churches in Europe after their desacralization”. It involves many aspects, not only of a technical nature, but also of ethical, theological or cultural nature.
Churches changing their function are usually objects that constitute a permanent cultural heritage and as such require a proper approach both in terms of their reconstruction to adapt to new functions, but perhaps primarily as a centuries-old place of worship and at the same time a testimony of past times, which should remain preserved.
The Conference EuCuComm 2023 aims to enable understanding of mutual relations between historical and social events and their reflection of art, including architecture, by presenting various points of view on the processes shaping the contemporary image of Europe’s wider cultural heritage.
The use of churches after their desacralization
Border and breakaway churches
Architectural heritage and historical aspects
Social, cultural, religious, economic and legal aspects
Learning from the past
Valuation of historic buildings
Cultural heritage management
Cultural heritage and tourism
Historic wooden structures
Measurement and monitoring of damage to historic structures
Conservation problems
Historic structures
New materials and technologies in heritage conservation
Simulations and modelling
Change of function of historic buildings
Principles of heritage conservation
Guidelines and regulations for the protection of cultural heritage
Adaptation of historic buildings to modern requirements
Vernacular architecture
Authors wishing to participate in the conference are requested to send an abstract and an article in the conference language (Polish, German, English) to the following e-mail address: paper@eucucomm.eu 
The conference program will contain only articles accepted by reviewers.
Articles should focus on topics related to the broadly understood cultural heritage, listed above.
The condition for publication of the article is registration of min. one author as a participant.
Selected papers after review will be published in JOURNAL OF HERITAGE CONSERVATION (MNISW Points: 100 ) http://www.wiadomoscikonserwatorskie.pl/